**** This is just a plugin!. You also need SMSoIP to get this to work! **** Plugin for SMSoIP to send messages via http://www.OK.de- needed SMSoIP (free Store-Download: http://goo.gl/Kr8EP )- needed OK.de account Poor ratings did not help to improve the program! This is a one man spare time project without a huge amount of different devices. If you find bugs, please contact me by mail or use the project page: http://code.google.com/p/smsoip/issues/listErrors will be resolved as soon as possible. ****,这仅仅是一个插件!您还需要SMSoIP的得到这个工作! **** SMSoIP发送消息通过http://www.OK.de的的插件- 需要(免费SMSoIP商店下载:http://goo.gl/Kr8EP,)- 需要OK.de的帐户差评无助于改善计划!这是一个人的业余时间了大量的项目,而不同的设备。如果您发现错误,请给我发邮件联系或使用的项目页面:http://code.google.com/p/smsoip/issues/list错误,将尽快解决。