雅思阅读学术类高频词汇570个(List 8)

   日期:2024-11-07    作者:caijiyuan 移动:http://qyn41e.riyuangf.com/mobile/quote/1731.html
  雅思阅读学术类高频单词Most Frequent Words of the Academic Word List by Sublist

雅思阅读学术类高频词汇570个(List 8)

  本组雅思阅读高频词汇中共有十个list,每个list里都只有英文单词,并没有汉语意思。由于雅思阅读只需要认识单词的汉语意思,不需要拼写单词,所以见到英文单词就能辨识它的汉语意思对阅读是至关重要的。570个高频词汇在第一遍查找的过程就是一个记忆的过程,所以这一套词汇是不加汉语意思在里面的。   对于背单词,考生们应该重复记忆,而不是一次记忆;就是说应尽可能的使看单词的总遍数增加;经过反复记忆单词自然可以记得住了!   Sublist 8 of Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words in Families   This sublist contains the third most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus.   abandon   accompanied   accumulation   ambiguous   appendix   appreciation   arbitrary   automatically   bias   chart   clarity   conformity   commodity   complement   contemporary   contradiction   crucial   currency   denote   detected   deviation   displacement   dramatic   eventually   exhibit   exploitation   fluctuations   guidelines   highlighted   implicit   induced   inevitably   infrastructure   inspection   intensity   manipulation   minimised   nuclear   offset   paragraph   plus   practitioners   predominantly   prospect   radical   random   reinforced   restore   revision   schedule   tension   termination   theme   thereby   uniform   vehicle   via   virtually   widespread


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